rem ********************************************************* rem rem PONG - Classic pong game rem rem Author: Pieter-Bas IJdens rem rem 10 Feb 2001 rem rem ********************************************************* rem rem Legal stuff: rem This code is specifically copyright free and may be rem used by anyone for any purpose. rem rem ********************************************************* rem ********************************************************* rem GLOBALS rem rem PADS rem The number of pads. Usually a player would use rem up, down. In one-pad mode TRI, X control the rem right bat rem rem BAT_HEIGHT and BAT_WIDTH rem Dimensions of the bats. They are placed vertically rem so it is a good idea to make the height larger than rem the width. rem rem BAT_OFFSET rem Number of pixels the centre of each bat is away from rem the screen border in the horizontal direction. rem Note: By changing this number you can move the bats rem horizontally. You could even do this in the rem input loop. rem rem BAT_SPEED rem Number of units that the bats may move per input rem cycle rem rem BALL_SPEED rem Number of units that the ball moves per input rem cycle rem rem XSIZE, YSIZE rem Should be 640, 512 for PAL. If at some point of time rem an NTSC version of YaBasic is released, this should rem probably be changed to the proper resolution for NTSC. rem rem ********************************************************* PADS = 2 BAT_HEIGHT = 80 BAT_WIDTH = 8 BAT_SPEED = 10 BAT_OFFSET = 20 BALL_RADIUS = 6 BALL_SPEED = 11 XSIZE = 640 YSIZE = 512 rem ********************************************************* rem rem Call the main loop rem rem ********************************************************* main() rem ********************************************************* rem rem Main program loop. In an infinite loop calls all updating rem and input checking code. rem rem The 'cont' variable may be zet to zero to terminate the rem program. This is something a more advanced implementation rem could do. rem rem Note that the PADS global is checked here rather than in rem the update_bast() function. rem rem ********************************************************* sub main() init() cont = 1 wait_controller("Press any button to start.") while(cont = 1) draw_new_field() update_bat(left_bat(), "PORT1", 16, 64) if (PADS = 2) then update_bat(right_bat(), "PORT2", 16, 64) else update_bat(right_bat(), "PORT1", 4096, 16384) endif update_ball() pause 0.05 wend end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Called from the main loop to check the controller state rem and update the position of the bat accordingly. rem rem Parameters: rem - bat() rem Reference to a structure describing the position of a rem single bat. rem - addr$ rem Either "PORT1" for the left controller or "PORT2" for rem the right controller. rem - up, down rem Specify the bitmask the controller's state value must rem match in order for the respective action to take place. rem rem Comments: rem The name 'maxstep' is maybe not clear enough here. It rem actually indicates the exact number of pixels the bat rem must move in order to hit the top or bottom wall in the rem specified direction. So, it is the maximum step that rem the bat can make without leaving the screen. rem rem ********************************************************* sub update_bat(bat(), addr$, up, down) local maxstep if (and(peek(addr$), down) > 0) then maxstep = YSIZE - (bat(2) + (bat(4) / 2)) bat(2) = bat(2) + min(maxstep, BAT_SPEED) elsif (and(peek(addr$), up) > 0) then maxstep = bat(2) - (bat(4) / 2) bat(2) = bat(2) - min(maxstep, BAT_SPEED) endif end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Extremely ugly function that takes care of the ball rem movement and position checking. rem rem First the new position of the ball is calculated without rem updating the old one. This is done because the rest of rem the functions actually use the 'line' defined by the two rem points to see what happened in this move. rem rem For example, for the bounce the intersection point of rem this line with the top or bottom border is calculated, rem and the remainder of the line segment is mirrorred to rem calculate the new position of the ball. rem rem ********************************************************* sub update_ball() b_newx = ball(1) + ball(5) * cos(ball(4)) b_newy = ball(2) + ball(5) * sin(ball(4)) b_newr = ball(3) b_newa = ball(4) b_news = ball(5) check_topbot_collission() check_bat_collission(left_bat()) check_bat_collission(right_bat()) check_leftright_collission() ball(1) = b_newx ball(2) = b_newy ball(3) = b_newr ball(4) = b_newa ball(5) = b_news end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Checks if moving the ball would cause it to collide with rem the top or bottom border of the screen. If that happens rem then the ball is 'bounced' by this function. rem rem Note that 'r' must be used here. The ball will hit the rem border if the centre is 'r' pixels away from the border. rem rem ********************************************************* sub check_topbot_collission() local r, y_toomuch r = ball(3) if (b_newy < r) then b_newy = r + (r - b_newy) b_newa = (2 * pi) - b_newa beep endif if (b_newy > (YSIZE - r)) then y_toomuch = r + (b_newy - YSIZE) b_newy = YSIZE - (y_toomuch + r) b_newa = (2 * pi) - b_newa beep endif end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Checks if moving the ball would cause it to collide with rem the left or right border of the screen. If that happens rem then a point is loft, depending on which side was hit rem and the game is resumed. rem rem Note that 'r' must be used here. The ball will hit the rem border if the centre is 'r' pixels away from the border. rem rem ********************************************************* sub check_leftright_collission() local r, reinit r = b_newr reinit = 0 if (b_newx < r) then score(2) = score(2) + 2 reinit = 1 beep elsif (b_newx > (XSIZE - r)) then score(1) = score(1) + 1 reinit = 1 beep endif if (reinit = 1) then b_newx = XSIZE / 2 b_newy = YSIZE / 2 b_newa = random_angle() wait_controller("Press any button to start.") endif end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Checks if the ball hit one of the bats. This is quite a rem tricky function. rem rem Basically what this function does is calculate the rem intersection point of the line defined by the left (or rem right) side of the bat and the line befined by the rem movement of the ball. If the vector of the movement of rem the ball intersects the line segment of the bat then rem the ball bounces off the bat. rem rem The function is complicated because we want to handle rem both left and right hand side collissions with one rem function (why?). rem rem Anyway, the first part of the function deals with the rem line segments and the second part of the function rem bounces the ball. rem rem ********************************************************* sub check_bat_collission(bat()) local a, b, x, y, rev, bx_n, bx_o local ignore, y_top, y_bot, too_much if (bat(1) > (XSIZE / 2)) then x = bat(1) - (bat(3) / 2) rev = -1 bx_o = ball(1) + ball(3) bx_n = b_newx + b_newr if (bx_o >= bx_n) then ignore = 1 elsif ((bx_o > x) or (bx_n < x)) then ignore = 1 endif else x = bat(1) + (bat(3) / 2) rev = 1 bx_o = ball(1) - ball(3) bx_n = b_newx - b_newr if (bx_o <= bx_n) then ignore = 1 elsif ((bx_o < x) or (bx_n > x)) then ignore = 1 endif endif if (ignore = 0) then rem Let's give the players a bit of slack (b_newr / 2) y_top = bat(2) - (bat(4) / 2) - (b_newr / 2) y_bot = bat(2) + (bat(4) / 2) + (b_newr / 2) a = (ball(2) - b_newy) / (ball(1) - b_newx) b = b_newy - (a * b_newx) y = a * x + b if (y >= y_top and y <= y_bot) then if (b_news > 2 * b_newr) then draw_the_ball(x + (rev * b_newr), y, b_newr) endif too_much = b_newx - (x + (rev * b_newr)) b_newx = (x + (rev * b_newr)) - too_much b_newa = pi - b_newa endif endif end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Draws the field and swaps drawbuffers. rem rem ********************************************************* sub draw_new_field() buffer = 1 - buffer setdrawbuf buffer setrgb 0, 64, 127, 64 clear window draw_bat(left_bat()) draw_bat(right_bat()) draw_ball() draw_score() setdispbuf buffer end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Draws the ball. rem rem ********************************************************* sub draw_ball() draw_the_ball(ball(1), ball(2), ball(3)) end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Draws a ball. rem rem Parameters: rem - x, y, r rem Geometry of the ball. rem rem ********************************************************* sub draw_the_ball(x, y, r) setrgb 1, 127, 127, 127 fill circle x, y, r end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Draws a bat. rem rem Parameters: rem - bat() rem Reference to the bat structure being drawn. rem rem ********************************************************* sub draw_bat(bat()) local ltx, lty, rbx, rby ltx = bat(1) - (bat(3) / 2) lty = bat(2) - (bat(4) / 2) rbx = bat(1) + (bat(3) / 2) rby = bat(2) + (bat(4) / 2) setrgb 1, 127, 127, 127 fill rectangle ltx, lty, rbx, rby end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Draws the score. rem rem ********************************************************* sub draw_score() setrgb 1, 0, 0, 0 text 50, 20, str$(score(1)), "cc" text XSIZE - 50, 20, str$(score(2)), "cc" end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Initialization function, initializes the structures and rem the screen. rem rem ********************************************************* sub init() init_structures() init_screen() end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Creates the data structures: rem rem score({PLAYER}) rem Score of player 1 (left) and 2 (right). Initially both rem zero. rem rem {PLAYER}_bat rem Bat geometry of player 1 (left) and player 2 (right) rem bats. Initialliy centered vertically, BAT_OFFSET units rem from the side. rem rem ball() rem Geometry of the ball (x, y, r) rem rem ********************************************************* sub init_structures() rem ball: x, y, radius, angle, speed dim ball(5) init_ball() rem left_bat: x, y (center), width, height dim left_bat(4) left_bat(1) = BAT_OFFSET left_bat(2) = YSIZE / 2 left_bat(3) = BAT_WIDTH left_bat(4) = BAT_HEIGHT rem right_bat: x, y (center), width, height dim right_bat(4) right_bat(1) = XSIZE - BAT_OFFSET right_bat(2) = YSIZE / 2 right_bat(3) = BAT_WIDTH right_bat(4) = BAT_HEIGHT rem score: left, right dim score(2) score(1) = 0 score(2) = 0 end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Initializes the ball() structure. Places the ball in the rem middle of the screen and initializes the nagle of launch rem to a more or less random value. rem rem ********************************************************* sub init_ball() ball(1) = XSIZE / 2 ball(2) = YSIZE / 2 ball(3) = BALL_RADIUS ball(4) = random_angle() ball(5) = BALL_SPEED end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Calculates a more or less random launching value for the rem ball. Tries to choose an angle that is not too vertical rem in order to keep the game challenging. rem rem ********************************************************* sub random_angle() local r r = ran() * 2 * pi rem These angles keep the game interesting while (((r > 0.4 * pi) and (r < 0.6 * pi)) or ((r > 1.4 * pi) and (r < 1.6 * pi))) r = ran() * 2 * pi wend return r end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Open and clear the screen. rem rem ********************************************************* sub init_screen(text$) open window XSIZE, YSIZE buffer = 0 setdrawbuf buffer setrgb 0, 64, 127, 64 clear window end sub rem ********************************************************* rem rem Display a message and wait until someone presses a button rem on some controller. rem rem ********************************************************* sub wait_controller(text$) setrgb 1, 0, 0, 0 text XSIZE / 2, YSIZE / 2, text$, "cc" while (or(peek("PORT1"), peek("PORT2")) = 0) pause 0.02 wend end sub rem ********************************************************* rem EOF rem *********************************************************